transylvania chronicles thomas's info
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transylvania chronicles thomas's info
Her er så en ny tråd til info om vores fortløbende kampagne i vampire. Jeg har set mig nødsaget til at skabe en ny tråd, da den gamle blev fyldt op af diskussioner. Jeg frabeder mig at det samme sker i denne tråd. skulle det ske, vil jeg udnytte mine kontakter og få admin til på allerfrygteligste vis at delete jeres posts, helt uden at gemme dem først. : (
Jeg har tænkt mig at skrive relevante informationer her (også nogle irrelevante (så som den her)). det vil være en god ide at følge med i hvad der bliver skrevet her.
På forhånd mange tak.
Jeg har tænkt mig at skrive relevante informationer her (også nogle irrelevante (så som den her)). det vil være en god ide at følge med i hvad der bliver skrevet her.
På forhånd mange tak.
The Glorius ST- ---> Storyteller <---
- Antal indlæg : 778
Join date : 27/11/09
Sv: transylvania chronicles thomas's info
hej drenge
jeg tænkte at jeg lige ville lave en post om den nye campagne, vi skal til at spille så i kan nå at få fat i de her informationer inden søndag hvis i lige sidder og finpudser jeres karakterer.
mht bøger så bruger vi den core rulebook der på min computer hedder "Vampire - The Dark Ages - Vampire (Revised)" det er vidst nok den samme som bastian brugte i søndags og det er så vidt jeg kan se den nyeste. det betyder at hvis man har brugt den anden (hos mig hedder den "Vampire - The Dark Ages - Core Rulebook (Revised)"), og bøgerne er uenige så er det den der er markeret i FED der har ret.
så er der en masse praktiske ting, som jeg har skrevet på min huskeliste, at jeg skal huske at sige til jer:
noget af det er regler som er nemme at glemme eller overse belejligt, andet er ting som er specifikke til kampagnen
- der er ingen kompensation i form af xp, hvis man dør: Så laver man en ny karakter som passer til DEN TID den bliver lavet i. Man får ikke noget ekstra XP eller freebie points for at representere at de andre er "foran". dette er både for at opfordre spillere til at passe på karaktererne og ikke skifte hele tiden, og også fordi spillet ikke er afhængigt af at alle spillere har samme power level.
bemærk dog undtagelsen på hvis man dør eller træder ud af spil på en sej måde. tilsvarende kan der komme en mindre kompensation når vi er nået længere hen.
- initiativ foregår ved at den med LAVEST initiativ erklærer hvad han har tænkt sig at gøre, så den med næst lavest osv, indtil den med højest initiativ har hørt hvad alle andre vil gøre og så erklærer han hvad han vil gøre. den med højest initiativ handler FØRST. det er altså en stor fordel at have det højeste initiativ. hvis man vil gøre noget andet end man har erklæret kommer til at koste terninger fra ens dice pool, HVER gang man ændrer sin erklærede action.
- det står IKKE en frit for at vælge hvordan man vil spendere sin XP, hvis man vil købe et trait op med XP så skal man kunne retfærdiggøre det gennem spil.
Man kan således ikke bruge sin XP på at forøge sit melee trait, uden at have været i en kamp mod mindst ligeværdige modstandere og brugt et våben. tilsvarende kan man ikke købe en disciplin, uden at have modtaget en form for træning i den.
Dette gælder særligt VIRTUES, WILLPOWER og ROAD scores.
tilsvarende må man ikke forøge ET trait mere end ET point mellem hver spilgang.
- der er en masse equipment som står på listerne, men som ikke er opfundet på det tidspunkt hvor spillet starter. dette equipment må i naturligvis ikke starte med det gælder f.eks greatswords. disse typer af equipment kommer først i brug senere i spillet.
- det vil være muligt at møde force majeure (overlegen kraft) i løbet af spillet, i form at magtfulde vampyrer der er adskellige årtusinder gamle, eller andre kræfter af lignende størrelsesorden. hvis nogen af jer spillere er dumme nok til at angribe en sådan kraft så dør i!. det her er ikke dungeons and dragons, så hvis man angriber Caine eller en Methuselah, så er det bare ærgeligt. det er ikke meningen at de skal kunne dø.
nu burde det være slut med regler og påbud.
jeg tænkte at jeg lige ville lave en post om den nye campagne, vi skal til at spille så i kan nå at få fat i de her informationer inden søndag hvis i lige sidder og finpudser jeres karakterer.
mht bøger så bruger vi den core rulebook der på min computer hedder "Vampire - The Dark Ages - Vampire (Revised)" det er vidst nok den samme som bastian brugte i søndags og det er så vidt jeg kan se den nyeste. det betyder at hvis man har brugt den anden (hos mig hedder den "Vampire - The Dark Ages - Core Rulebook (Revised)"), og bøgerne er uenige så er det den der er markeret i FED der har ret.
så er der en masse praktiske ting, som jeg har skrevet på min huskeliste, at jeg skal huske at sige til jer:
noget af det er regler som er nemme at glemme eller overse belejligt, andet er ting som er specifikke til kampagnen
- der er ingen kompensation i form af xp, hvis man dør: Så laver man en ny karakter som passer til DEN TID den bliver lavet i. Man får ikke noget ekstra XP eller freebie points for at representere at de andre er "foran". dette er både for at opfordre spillere til at passe på karaktererne og ikke skifte hele tiden, og også fordi spillet ikke er afhængigt af at alle spillere har samme power level.
bemærk dog undtagelsen på hvis man dør eller træder ud af spil på en sej måde. tilsvarende kan der komme en mindre kompensation når vi er nået længere hen.
- initiativ foregår ved at den med LAVEST initiativ erklærer hvad han har tænkt sig at gøre, så den med næst lavest osv, indtil den med højest initiativ har hørt hvad alle andre vil gøre og så erklærer han hvad han vil gøre. den med højest initiativ handler FØRST. det er altså en stor fordel at have det højeste initiativ. hvis man vil gøre noget andet end man har erklæret kommer til at koste terninger fra ens dice pool, HVER gang man ændrer sin erklærede action.
- det står IKKE en frit for at vælge hvordan man vil spendere sin XP, hvis man vil købe et trait op med XP så skal man kunne retfærdiggøre det gennem spil.
Man kan således ikke bruge sin XP på at forøge sit melee trait, uden at have været i en kamp mod mindst ligeværdige modstandere og brugt et våben. tilsvarende kan man ikke købe en disciplin, uden at have modtaget en form for træning i den.
Dette gælder særligt VIRTUES, WILLPOWER og ROAD scores.
tilsvarende må man ikke forøge ET trait mere end ET point mellem hver spilgang.
- der er en masse equipment som står på listerne, men som ikke er opfundet på det tidspunkt hvor spillet starter. dette equipment må i naturligvis ikke starte med det gælder f.eks greatswords. disse typer af equipment kommer først i brug senere i spillet.
- det vil være muligt at møde force majeure (overlegen kraft) i løbet af spillet, i form at magtfulde vampyrer der er adskellige årtusinder gamle, eller andre kræfter af lignende størrelsesorden. hvis nogen af jer spillere er dumme nok til at angribe en sådan kraft så dør i!. det her er ikke dungeons and dragons, så hvis man angriber Caine eller en Methuselah, så er det bare ærgeligt. det er ikke meningen at de skal kunne dø.
nu burde det være slut med regler og påbud.
Sidst rettet af rosa 2013-06-19, 04:34, rettet 1 gang
The Glorius ST- ---> Storyteller <---
- Antal indlæg : 778
Join date : 27/11/09
Sv: transylvania chronicles thomas's info
jeg har jo lovet at poste både hvad exp og maturation points kan bruges til såvel som hvilke domæner i allesammen har fået og hvad der er af kloge ting at sige om dem.
vi starter med det kedelige: xp og maturation points:
Experience Points
kan bruges på følgende ting:
| attribute CR x4
| new ability 3
| new specialty CR
| ability CR x2
| new discipline 10
| clan discipline CR x5
| other discipline CR x7
| new secondary path (blood magic) 7
| secondary path (blood magic) CR x4
| virtue CR x2
| road CR x2
| Willpowah CR
CR= current rating, eller den værdi som du allerede har i det trait du gerne vil hæve.
f.eks: lars the burjah har dominate 1 og vil gerne hæve den til dominate 2. dominate er ikke en clan disciplin for lars, derfor koster den 7 xp at købe op (1 fordi lars har 1 i dominate og x7 fordi det er prisen for at købe ikke klan discipliner op.
Maturation points:
| maturation points fungerer lidt anderledes blandt andet skalerer prisen for at købe evner med
| maturation points ikke med værdien man allerede har i det trait.
| priserne for at hæve traits med maturation points er som følger:
| attributes 5 sålænge din karakter er under willpower x100 år gammel. derefter 10.
| abilites 2 per dot. specialties og fields of expertise koster 1 point
| discipliner discipliner bliver dyrere jo ældre karakteren bliver. startende med 3 point
| per dot, plus 1 yderligere point for hver 200 år karakteren har levet. desuden giver et købt af
| et dot, to dots hvis de bliver brugt på at købe blod magi af forskellig art op. (blodmagi er som
| oftest thaumaturgy eller mortis i dark ages) hvis det er en ikke klan disciplin man ønsker at
| købe op koster den yderligere et point.
| virtues 2 point per dot
| road 1 point per dot op til ens willpower rating derefter 2 point per dot.
| willpower 2 point per dot.
backgrounds kan hæves gennemspil, mistes over tid ( ja du læste rigtigt backgrounds er noget der forsvinder når man lever længe). og der er et stort og kompliceret system til at købe dem for xp som vi kan bruge før eller efter endt spilgang.
og husk nu at jeres xp skal spenderes før maturation points!
f.eks: lars the brujah har ikke nogen dots i celerity og vil gerne have så mange som muligt nu. han har 4 maturation points og 7 xp. for at opnå mest muligt celerity beslutter han at bruge 3 maturation points på at købe det første dot i celerity. dernæst vil han gerne bruge 5 xp på at hæve sin celerity til dot 2 da det jo er en klan disciplin. heldigvis har lars en venlig storyteller der pænt fortæller ham at det ikke kan lade sig gøre, da han jo har tjent sin xp før sine maturation point.
link til wiki:
tl:dr hvis du er for doven til at læse det her så lad være med at bruge xp mellem spilgange, og så klarer vi det sammen næste gang vi mødes for at spille.
vi starter med det kedelige: xp og maturation points:
Experience Points
kan bruges på følgende ting:
| attribute CR x4
| new ability 3
| new specialty CR
| ability CR x2
| new discipline 10
| clan discipline CR x5
| other discipline CR x7
| new secondary path (blood magic) 7
| secondary path (blood magic) CR x4
| virtue CR x2
| road CR x2
| Willpowah CR
- Spoiler:
attribute CR x4 new ability 3 new specialty CR ability CR x2 new discipline 10 clan discipline CR x5 other discipline CR x7 new secondary path (blood magic) 7 secondary path (blood magic) CR x4 virtue CR x2 road CR x2 willpower CR
CR= current rating, eller den værdi som du allerede har i det trait du gerne vil hæve.
f.eks: lars the burjah har dominate 1 og vil gerne hæve den til dominate 2. dominate er ikke en clan disciplin for lars, derfor koster den 7 xp at købe op (1 fordi lars har 1 i dominate og x7 fordi det er prisen for at købe ikke klan discipliner op.
Maturation points:
| maturation points fungerer lidt anderledes blandt andet skalerer prisen for at købe evner med
| maturation points ikke med værdien man allerede har i det trait.
| priserne for at hæve traits med maturation points er som følger:
| attributes 5 sålænge din karakter er under willpower x100 år gammel. derefter 10.
| abilites 2 per dot. specialties og fields of expertise koster 1 point
| discipliner discipliner bliver dyrere jo ældre karakteren bliver. startende med 3 point
| per dot, plus 1 yderligere point for hver 200 år karakteren har levet. desuden giver et købt af
| et dot, to dots hvis de bliver brugt på at købe blod magi af forskellig art op. (blodmagi er som
| oftest thaumaturgy eller mortis i dark ages) hvis det er en ikke klan disciplin man ønsker at
| købe op koster den yderligere et point.
| virtues 2 point per dot
| road 1 point per dot op til ens willpower rating derefter 2 point per dot.
| willpower 2 point per dot.
backgrounds kan hæves gennemspil, mistes over tid ( ja du læste rigtigt backgrounds er noget der forsvinder når man lever længe). og der er et stort og kompliceret system til at købe dem for xp som vi kan bruge før eller efter endt spilgang.
og husk nu at jeres xp skal spenderes før maturation points!
f.eks: lars the brujah har ikke nogen dots i celerity og vil gerne have så mange som muligt nu. han har 4 maturation points og 7 xp. for at opnå mest muligt celerity beslutter han at bruge 3 maturation points på at købe det første dot i celerity. dernæst vil han gerne bruge 5 xp på at hæve sin celerity til dot 2 da det jo er en klan disciplin. heldigvis har lars en venlig storyteller der pænt fortæller ham at det ikke kan lade sig gøre, da han jo har tjent sin xp før sine maturation point.
link til wiki:
tl:dr hvis du er for doven til at læse det her så lad være med at bruge xp mellem spilgange, og så klarer vi det sammen næste gang vi mødes for at spille.
Sidst rettet af rosa 2013-07-28, 10:05, rettet 1 gang
The Glorius ST- ---> Storyteller <---
- Antal indlæg : 778
Join date : 27/11/09
Sv: transylvania chronicles thomas's info
og nu til jeres byer. vi starter med de 3 største.
byerne balgrad, schaasburg og kronstadt hører til "the siedenburgen"(beklager eventuelle stavefejl). de over 9000 byer (siebenburgen) er de 7 største of formelle hoveddomæner i transylvanien.
Balgrad (alba iulia):
har en flot borg designet af zelios med et stort bibliotek efterladt af den tidligere prins primært med bøger om dacia og transylvanien. ligger rimeligt tæt på mediasch og kronstadt. byen er af middelstørrelse.
schaasburg (sighisoara):
ligger ved muresul floden i det østlige transsylvanien. byen er rig og temmeligt stor af en transylvansk by at være. desuden er den godt belligende taktisk i transylvanien. denne by er en ideel base for militær operationer i med henblik på at kontrollere transylvanien.
kronstadt (brasov):
ligger umiddelbart nord for bran passet hvor også bran slottet hovedkvarter for de det hellige broderskab af det germanske hus af sankt maria i jerusalem, også kendt som den teutonske ridderorden. desuden ligger byen ved en stor handelsrute mod syd, og dette har gjort den rig.
mindre byer:
en mindre by i det sydlige transylvanien med en ringmur af sten. byen er kendt for kunst og kultur. den ligger også godt for transylvanske mineoperationer.
er noget mindre end mulbach men med en mere aktiv markedsplads på grund af at den ungarske konge forsøger at bruge byen til at kontrollere transylvanien. desuden er den bygger på ruiner af en gammel romerske bosættelse og har et extensivt netværk af katakomber og huler i undergrunden. ligger i oplandet til hunedoara, den ungarske konges sommer residens.
ligesom timisoara ligger deva formelt i oplandet til hunedoara. men blot længere nord. deva er kun lige akkurat stor nok til at være en by, men oplandet er meget stort og vildt. men mange områder af utæmmet skov og en relativt stor mængde saxiske og hungarske landadelige. byen ligger i den vestlige udkant af transylvanien.
byerne balgrad, schaasburg og kronstadt hører til "the siedenburgen"(beklager eventuelle stavefejl). de over 9000 byer (siebenburgen) er de 7 største of formelle hoveddomæner i transylvanien.
Balgrad (alba iulia):
har en flot borg designet af zelios med et stort bibliotek efterladt af den tidligere prins primært med bøger om dacia og transylvanien. ligger rimeligt tæt på mediasch og kronstadt. byen er af middelstørrelse.
schaasburg (sighisoara):
ligger ved muresul floden i det østlige transsylvanien. byen er rig og temmeligt stor af en transylvansk by at være. desuden er den godt belligende taktisk i transylvanien. denne by er en ideel base for militær operationer i med henblik på at kontrollere transylvanien.
kronstadt (brasov):
ligger umiddelbart nord for bran passet hvor også bran slottet hovedkvarter for de det hellige broderskab af det germanske hus af sankt maria i jerusalem, også kendt som den teutonske ridderorden. desuden ligger byen ved en stor handelsrute mod syd, og dette har gjort den rig.
mindre byer:
en mindre by i det sydlige transylvanien med en ringmur af sten. byen er kendt for kunst og kultur. den ligger også godt for transylvanske mineoperationer.
er noget mindre end mulbach men med en mere aktiv markedsplads på grund af at den ungarske konge forsøger at bruge byen til at kontrollere transylvanien. desuden er den bygger på ruiner af en gammel romerske bosættelse og har et extensivt netværk af katakomber og huler i undergrunden. ligger i oplandet til hunedoara, den ungarske konges sommer residens.
ligesom timisoara ligger deva formelt i oplandet til hunedoara. men blot længere nord. deva er kun lige akkurat stor nok til at være en by, men oplandet er meget stort og vildt. men mange områder af utæmmet skov og en relativt stor mængde saxiske og hungarske landadelige. byen ligger i den vestlige udkant af transylvanien.
Sidst rettet af rosa 2013-07-28, 10:06, rettet 1 gang
The Glorius ST- ---> Storyteller <---
- Antal indlæg : 778
Join date : 27/11/09
Sv: transylvania chronicles thomas's info
dette er oversættelsen af de stentavler i fandt allerførst i spillet, dengang i hine tider da i byggede et slot til radu.
Thus I set down my true visions, that I may remember and keep to the path I have chosen. Only I of us all shall know the truth and this shall be my shield and my spear. Most exalted shall I be in the time of the final days. Even the Father shall quell before my might.
Let the lesser ones war one upon the other, each harkening in the omens that I have forseen. Fools, all by my guile, they know not the actual signs, but merely shadows of those things that shall be.
Let the world tremble when I come in my might and majesty, for I shall rule above our Father, above the Mother who gave succor to our Father, above the children of Seth, yea, even above God himself!
Let the reign of blood commence.
Hvis nogle af jer tænker "men hør hov, det var da vidst bastian der postede den her oprindeligt!!" så er svaret JA, jeg har tyvstjålet den. sue me.
Thus I set down my true visions, that I may remember and keep to the path I have chosen. Only I of us all shall know the truth and this shall be my shield and my spear. Most exalted shall I be in the time of the final days. Even the Father shall quell before my might.
Let the lesser ones war one upon the other, each harkening in the omens that I have forseen. Fools, all by my guile, they know not the actual signs, but merely shadows of those things that shall be.
Let the world tremble when I come in my might and majesty, for I shall rule above our Father, above the Mother who gave succor to our Father, above the children of Seth, yea, even above God himself!
Let the reign of blood commence.
Hvis nogle af jer tænker "men hør hov, det var da vidst bastian der postede den her oprindeligt!!" så er svaret JA, jeg har tyvstjålet den. sue me.
The Glorius ST- ---> Storyteller <---
- Antal indlæg : 778
Join date : 27/11/09
Cainites' Library
Undskyld jeg sådan allerede hijacker din tråd Tom... Men her er de fleste bøger hvis folk skulle få brug for dem. the Masquerade/
En liste over alle bøgerne
Her er karakterark the Masquerade/
En liste over alle bøgerne
- Spoiler:
- [AA] : Ashes to Ashes (WW 2102)
[AC] : The Anarch Cookbook (WW 2207)
[AC-DA] : Ashen Cult (WW 2835)
[ADM] : Awakening: Diablerie Mexico (WW 2005)
[AH] : Alien Hunger (WW 2100)
[AK] : The Ashen Knight (WW 2826)
[AT] : The Ashen Thief (WW 2827)
[A&T] : Archons & Templars (WW 2425)
[AoV] : Art of Vampire (WW 2298)
[BB] : Blood Bond (WW 2103)
[BC] : Bitter Crusade (WW 2833)
[BbN] : Berlin by Night (WW 2214)
[BDT] : World of Darkness : Blood-dimmed Tides (WW 3350)
[BHDB] : Bloody Hearts: Diablerie Britain (WW 2010)
[BM] : Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy (WW 2106)
[BN] : Blood Nativity (WW 2917)
[BSS] : Book of Storyteller Secrets (WW 2802)
[BoN] : Book of Nod (WW 2251)
[BoW] : Book of the Wyrm (WW 3200)
[BT] : Blood Treachery (WW 4046)
[CabN] : Cairo by Night (WW 2410)
[Cb-As] : Clanbook: Assamite (WW 2059)
[CbR-As]: Clanbook Revised: Assamite (WW 2359)
[Cb-Ba] : Clanbook: Baali (WW 2817)
[Cb-Br] : Clanbook: Brujah (WW 2051)
[CbR-Br] : Clanbook Revised: Brujah (WW 2351)
[Cb-C] : Clanbook: Cappadocians (WW 2805)
[Cb-Fo] : Clanbook: Follower of Set (WW 2060)
[CbR-Fo]: Clanbook Revised: Followers of Set (WW 2360)
[Cb-Ga] : Clanbook: Gangrel (WW 2052)
[CbR-Ga] : Clanbook Revised: Gangrel (WW 2352)
[Cb-Gi] : Clanbook: Giovanni (WW 2063)
[CbR-Gi]: Clanbook Revised: Giovanni (WW 2363)
[Cb-La] : Clanbook: Lasombra (WW 2062)
[CbR-La]: Clanbook Revised: Lasombra (WW 2362)
[Cb-Ma] : Clanbook: Malkavian (WW 2053)
[CbR-Ma]: Clanbook Revised: Malkavian (WW 2353)
[Cb-No] : Clanbook: Nosferatu (WW 2054)
[CbR-No] : Clanbook Revised: Nosferatu (WW 2354)
[Cb-Ra] : Clanbook: Ravnos (WW 2064)
[CbR-Ra] : Clanbook Revised: Ravnos (WW 2364)
[Cb-Sa] : Clanbook: Salubri (WW 2822)
[Cb-To] : Clanbook: Toreador (WW 2056)
[CbR-To]: Clanbook Revised: Toreador (WW 2356)
[Cb-Tr] : Clanbook: Tremere (WW 2057)
[CbR-Tr]: Clanbook Revised: Tremere (WW 2357)
[Cb-Tz] : Clanbook: Tzimisce (WW 2061)
[CbR-Tz] : Clanbook Revised: Tzimisce (WW 2361)
[Cb-Ve] : Clanbook: Ventrue (WW 2058)
[CbR-Ve] : Clanbook Revised: Ventrue (WW 2358)
[CbN1] : Chicago by Night (1st ed) (WW 2201)
[CbN2] : Chicago by Night (2nd ed) (WW 2203)
[CC] : Caine’s Chosen, The Black Hand (WW 2428)
[CF] : The Chaos Factor (WW 4101)
[CH] : The Cainite Heresy (WW 2819)
[CobN] : Constantinople By Night (WW 2803)
[CotI] : Who's Who among Vampires: The Children of the Inquisition (WW 2250)
[CotN] : Children of the Night (WW 2023)
[CoW] : Clash of Wills (WW 2810)
[CB] : Chaining the Beast (WW 2432)
[DAC] : Dark Ages Companion (WW 2804)
[DAE] : Dark Ages: Europe (WW 20020)
[DAV] : Dark Alliance Vancouver (WW 3103)
[DAVa] : Dark Ages: Vampire (WW 20000)
[DASC] : Dark Ages Storyteller Companion (WW 20003)
[DC] : Dark Colony (WW 2212)
[DCbN] : DC by Night (WW 2211)
[DSotBH] : Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand (WW 2006)
[EEW] : Elysium: The Elders Wars (WW 2233)
[EF] : The Erciyes Fragments (WW 2818)
[EV] : Encyclopaedia Vampyrica (WW 2440)
[FBC] : Fountain of Bright Crimson (WW 2825)
[tGC] : The Gilded Cage (WW 2420)
[GC] : Giovanni Chronicles, quadrilogy below
[GC1] : Giovanni Chronicles 1: The Last Supper (WW 2090)
[GC2] : Giovanni Chronicles 2: Blood & Fire (WW 2091)
[GC3] : Giovanni Chronicles 3: The Sun has set (WW 2096)
[GC4] : Giovanni Chronicles 4: Nuova Malattia (WW 2097)
[DA&BH] : Diablerie Awakening-Diablerie Mexico/Bloody Hearts-Diablerie Britain (WW 2231)
[GFA] : Ghouls: Fatal Addiction (WW 2021)
[GttA] : Guide to the Anarchs (WW 2424)
[GttC] : Guide to the Camarilla (WW 2302)
[GttS] : Guide to the Sabbat (WW 2303)
[Gypsy] : World of Darkness: Gypsies (WW 2223)
[HH] : The Hunters Hunted (WW 2205)
[HK] : World of Darkness : Hong Kong (WW 2009)
[HoT] : House of Tremere (WW 2829)
[HotD] : Havens of the Damned (WW 2426)
[IbN] : Iberia by Night (WW2834)
[Inqui] : The Inquisition (WW 2020)
[JbN] : Jerusalem By Night (WW 2821)
[KotE] : Kindred of the East (WW 2900)
[KMW] : The Kindred Most Wanted (WW 2230)
[LAbN] : Los Angeles by Night (WW 2210)
[LbN] : London by Night, Vampire: Victorian Age (WW 2741)
[LL] : Liege, Lord and Lackey (WW 2806)
[LotH] : Lair of the Hidden (WW 2430)
[LS1] : Libellus Sanguinis I: Masters of the State(WW 2807)
[LS2] : Libellus Sanguinis II: Keepers of the Word (WW 2815)
[LS3] : Libellus Sanguinis III: Wolves at the Door (WW 2823)
[LS4] : Libellus Sanguinis IV: Thieves in the Night (WW 2830)
[MC] : World of Darkness: Midnight Circus (WW 3068)
[MCbN] : Mexico City by Night (WW 2412)
[MibN] : Milwaukee by Night (WW 2105)
[MobN] : Montreal by Night (WW 2216)
[MS] : Midnight Siege (WW 2422)
[NObN] : New Orleans by Night (W 2209)
[NoP] : Nights of Prophecy (WW 2265)
[NYbN] : New York by Night (WW 2411)
[PG1] : The Player's Guide (1st ed) (WW 2004)
[PG2] : The Player's Guide (2nd ed) (WW 2206)
[PGLC] : Players Guide to Low Clans (WW 20006)
[PGHC] : Players Guide to High Clans (WW 20007)
[PGS] : The Player's Guide to the Sabbat (WW 2055)
[PP] : The Prince's Primer (WW 2232)
[Pariah] : World of Darkness: Pariah (WW 3065)
[RaAu] : Rage Across Australia (WW 3106)
[RaE] : Rage Across Egypt (WW 3114)
[RaNY] : Rage Across New York (WW 3100)
[RaR] : Rage Across Russia (WW 3105)
[RD] : Masquerade of the Red Death, trilogy below (novels)
[RD1] : Masquerade of the Red Death: Book One, "Blood War". (WW 12400)
[RD2] : Masquerade of the Red Death: Book Two, "Unholy Allies". (WW 12401)
[RD3] : Masquerade of the Red Death: Book Three, "The Unbeholden". (WW 12402)
[RDM] : Revelations of the Dark Mother (WW 2024)
[RoP] : Rite of Passage (WW 3002)
[RotB] : Road of the Beast (WW 20030)
[RP] : Rights of Princes (WW 20045)
[SC] : Succubus Club (WW 2104)
[SFbN] : San Francisco by Night (WW 2921)
[SHS] : Storyteller's Handbook to the Sabbat (WW 2225)
[SH] : The Storyteller's Handbook (WW 2222)
[SoG] : States of Grace (WW 2427)
[SotB] : Sins of the Blood (WW 2421)
[SoW] : Spoils of War (WW 20046)
[SS1] : Storytellers Screen (1st ed) (WW 2001)
[SS2] : Storytellers Screen (2nd ed) (WW 2003)
[STHBR] : Vampire Storytellers Handbook Revised (WW 2304)
[TC] : Transylvania Chronicles, quadrilogy below
[TC1] : Transylvania Chronicles 1: Dark Tides Rising (WW 2811)
[TC2] : Transylvania Chronicles 2: Son of the Dragon (WW 2812)
[TC3] : Transylvania Chronicles 3: Ill Omens (WW 2813)
[TC4] : Transylvania Chronicles 4: The Dragon Ascendant (WW 2814)
[Tb-CG] : Children of Gaia Tribebook (WW 3053)
[TbN] : Transylvania By Night, Vampire: Dark Ages (WW 2808)
[ToJ:G] : Time of Judgement: Gehenna (WW 2999)
[Tokyo] : World of Darkness: Tokyo (WW 6103)
[ToTB] : The Time of Thin Blood (WW 2101)
[TP] : Three Pillars (WW 2809)
[tRS] : The Red Sign (WW 2431)
[TTM] : Tales from the Trails: Mexico (WW 3705)
[UBRM] : Under a Blood Red Moon (WW 3102)
[UtBC] : Under the Black Cross (WW 2836)
[VC] : The Ventrue Chronicle (WW 2460)
[VDA] : Vampire: The Dark Ages (WW 2800)
[VDASS] : Vampire: The Dark Ages Storytellers Screen (WW 2801)
[VoN] : Veil of Night (WW 2832)
[VSTCR] : Vampire Storytellers Companion Revised (WW 2301)
[VtM1] : Vampire: the Masquerade (1st ed) (WW 2000)
[VtM2] : Vampire: the Masquerade (2nd ed) (WW 2002)
[VtMR] : Vampire: the Masquerade Revised (WW 2300)
[VVA] : Vampire: Victorian Age (WW 2470)
[VVAC] :Vampire: Victorian Age Companion (WW 2472)
[WfE] : Wind from the East (WW 2808)
[WoA] : War of Ages (WW 2022)
[WoD1] : A World of Darkness (1st ed) (WW 2220)
[WoD2] : A World of Darkness (2nd ed) (WW 2226)
[WoDC] : A World of Darkness: Combat (WW3206)
[WotS] : Wolves of the Sea (WW 2820)
[WtA] : Werewolf: the Apocalypse (WW 3000)
- Spoiler:
- A list of common terms (and not-so-common terms) found in the roleplaying setting of Vampire: The Masquerade, listed in alphabetical order. Also see pages 59-61 of the Vampire: The Masquerade sourcebook, pages 14-17 of Guide to the Camarilla, pages 46-49 of Guide to the Sabbat, and the various Clanbooks.
Amaranth, the: archaic; named for a plant with tiny bright red flowers reminiscent of spots of blood, the Amaranth is an ancient term for diablerie. See diablerie.
Anarch, an: a member of the Anarch Movement.
Anarchs, the: the common name for the Anarch Movement, which began in the Dark Ages and in modern nights is a sect very loosely attached to the Camarilla. The Anarchs often work against the interests of the Camarilla, yet the Camarilla extends the protection of the Masquerade over the Anarchs regardless.
ancilla: a vampire between roughly 50-300 years of age; the "teenage" version of a vampire; one who has accumulated some personal power but has not achieved the status of an elder.
Antediluvian: one of thirteen (or more) "founder" vampires; believed responsible for the creation of one of each of the ancient Clans. Many of the Antediluvians are believed to have been destroyed, diablerized, or have mysteriously disappeared.
antitribu: vampires who hold an allegiance contrary to the common political alignment of their Clan. Ex: The Clan Ventrue are supporters of the Camarilla - therefore, a Ventrue antitribu would be a member of the Sabbat.
archbishop, a: the leader of a Sabbat-controlled city. One Archbishop manages several bishops, who in turn manage one or more packs. Roughly analogous to the Camarilla prince.
Beast: 1) the collection of (self-)destructive urges that are awakened by the consumption of vampiric vitae. Present in elder ghouls as well as all vampires. These urges are triggered during times of emotional or physical stress (mortal combat, being extremely embarassed or humiliated, the temptation of blood, etc), and often result in a vampire frenzying. A vampire cannot get rid of their Beast without also losing what it means to be a vampire; hence only Golconda is believed to "cure" the Beast. Cainites believe that the Beast is a curse leveled by God in order to prevent vampires from becoming too powerful. 2) a sobriquet of the Gangrel Clan or City Gangrel bloodline.
Becoming, the: archaic; see Embrace, the.
Blood Bond: created by sharing blood with another vampire. The first sharing creates feelings of sympathy and congeniality with the donor; the second creates feelings of brotherhood and strong friendship; the third creates feelings of intense and jealous love for the donor. Vampiric lovers often exchange Blood Bonds; it is also used as a controlling measure by many vampires for use on ghouls and servants.
blood hunt: a punishment reserved for only the most heinous crimes among vampires; a blood hunt is formally declared by a figure of authority within a city or a sect, and involves all vampires in the region hunting down and if possible destroying the vampire who committed the crime. Blood hunts are rarely, if ever, called off, and innocence is only proven posthumously.
Blood Oath: archaic; see "Blood Bond".
bloodline: one of many dozens of "unofficial" lineages of vampires, who do not display Disciplines or qualities characteristic to one of the thirteen official Clans. See also "Clan".
Book of Nod, the: a fragmented account of the vampiric origin story, supposedly composed by Caine, the First Vampire. The Book of Nod is incomplete, but contains prophecies that herald the end of the world at some undisclosed point in the future. Many vampiric scholars own - or would like to own - fragmets of the Book of Nod for the insights it reveals about Caine, vampiric history, and Gehenna.
Cainite, a: archaic; a vampire, usually of Western European descent, who believes that vampires are descended from the Biblical Cain(e). Also called "childer of Caine" or "get of Caine" (from "beget"). In mordern times, the term is used more in the Sabbat than the Camarilla, or among elder vampires.
Camarilla, a: a member of the Camarilla sect. Also "Cammy".
Camarilla, the: a sect of vampires who support the vampiric status quo of the past five-hundred years. Each Camarilla city is ruled by a prince and supported by a council of primogen. The sect as a whole is governed by the Inner Council, theoretically composed of one vampire from each of the seven member clans.
chantry: 1) a meeting house for followers of any of the Houses of the Order of Hermes. 2) Specifically, a meeting house for the members of the vampiric Clan House Tremere. A chantry is headed by a regent, and holds up to a score of individual members.
childe (pronounced as "child"): plural childer; a vampire who was Embraced by their "sire" (the vampire who turned them into a vampire); mostly used only in relation to their sire (ex: "Theo Bell is the childe of Don Cerro"), but sometimes used as a derogatory term indicating youth and inexperience.
chronicle, a: a campaign run by a Storyteller using Vampire: The Masquerade rules, setting, and characters. A chronicle is composed of individual stories and chapters in which players roleplay out their characters' actions and decisions in circumstances created by the Storyteller. See also "Storyteller".
Clan, a: one of thirteen "official" vampiric bloodlines recognized by all vampires. These are the largest and most influential groups of vampires in the world; they are often considered as a vampire's extended "family" or other relations. Members of the same Clan share a group of three Disciplines; many Clans have a "trademark" Discipline which only their clanmembers possess. Some clans have closer ties to one sect over another, or choose to be completely independent of any larger organization. See also "antitribu" and "bloodline".
Consistory, the: the collective body of prisci who serve as advisors to the Regent of the Sabbat. See "Priscus".
Crusade: 1) one of several invasions by Christian soldiers into the Middle Eastern region of the world during the Dark Ages; these will be referred to as "the First Crusade", "the Second Crusade", etc. 2) A war launched by the Sabbat sect against a specific city or organization. Ex: "The Sabbat has declared a Crusade against Washington, D. C."
diablerie: the act of consuming a vampire's soul, in addition to all their blood; a horrific crime among the Camarilla and a tool of power among the Sabbat. Believed to grant the power of the consumed vampire; hence, diablerie is most often committed on elder vampires. Some vampires have been known to become addicted to the act.
diablerize: to commit the act of diablerie.
domain: the geographic or political zone of control managed by a single vampire (or in the case of the Sabbat, a single pack). A vampire's domain is typically awarded to them by the city leader, either a Prince or Archbishop. A vampire's domain can range from anything like a square city block to the politicians of city hall to a college campus. Basically, if a vampire tries to exert control over a place, people, or subject area, that can be considered the vampire's "domain".
domitor: the vampire responsible for supplying blood to a ghoul. Thanks to the addictive properties of the blood, most ghouls are submissive and eager to please their vampire sponsor.
ductus, a: the vampire with the most seniority in a Sabbat pack; effectively, the leader.
elder: a vampire of roughly 300 years of age or older; usually possessed of great influence and personal power.
Embrace, the: the act of turning a mortal into a vampire. First, the mortal must be drained of all their blood, and immediately before death, must ingest at least 1 Blood Point's worth of vitae from the siring vampire. See also "childe" and "sire".
Fiend, a: a member of the Tzimisce Clan, usually used to describe an elder such member, who has modified their body in horrifying ways with Vicissitude.
Final Nights, the: the modern times, so called because many vampires secretly or not-so-secretly believe the end of the world is nigh. Vampires who do not believe in such things refer to this time as the "Modern Nights".
fledgeling, a: a very young vampire, no more than a few years old and still subject to the authority of their sire. See also "neonate".
frenzy: a state of temporary, incredibly destructive insanity caused by hunger, embarassment, or any of a hundred other factors. When frenzied, a vampire is an unliving engine of terror and chaos, existing only to kill and feed. Vampires who have totally degenerated exist in a permanent state of half-frenzy, a base animal whose only goals are to eat, rest, and kill. Also occassionally used to describe a werewolf who is under the throes of their Rage. See also "Beast".
Gehenna: the vampiric version of the Apocalypse. Common lore holds that when Gehenna arrives, the thirteen Antediluvians will awaken from torpor and diablerize all other vampires. See also "Final Nights".
ghoul: a mortal human or animal who drinks the blood of a vampire. The mystic properties of vampire blood make these mortals stronger, faster, and tougher than normal, and are often employed as servants or bodyguards for their vampire domitors. See also "Blood Bond" and "szlachta".
harpy, a: a member of the Camarilla who serves as a social critic or gossipmonger. Most often found in the Toreador Clan.
Jyhad/Jihad: the cold war waged between vampires. Each sect has a different version of what the Jyhad entails: the Camarilla uses the term mostly to describe it as the war against the Sabbat; the Sabbat uses it to describe their holy war against the Antediluvians.
Kindred: 1) the species of vampires entire, 2) a single vampire. Usage: "We are the Kindred. We are vampires." A term adopted by the Camarilla at its founding to describe vampires. Used only derogatorily by the Sabbat.
kine: archaic; a human mortal; an ancient term for "cattle".
Lextalionis, the: archaic; see "blood hunt".
lineage: a vampire's "family tree"; the progression of sire and childe down the generations. The vampire's lineage is typically recited during their first introduction to Camarilla society.
Lupine: archaic; a werewolf. Also "moon-beast" or "wolf-man". Occassionally called "lycans" by vampires who watch too many Hollywood movies.
Masquerade, the: an extensive network of propaganda, manipulation, and control over mortal society promoted by the Camarilla. The goal of this network is to keep mortals ignorant of the existence of real vampires, though many princes and other vampires use the Masquerade as an excuse to dominate mortal society for their own purposes.
The creators of the game also imply that the "Masquerade" refers to a vampire's attempt to rationalize their existence as a blood-sucking undead monster as something not as monstrous; as in, the effort to appear human is a "mask" that vampires wear, both for their own peace of mind and to avoid revealing their existence to mortals.
neonate, a: a "new" vampire, no more than a few years old. They have almost no power and no influence, and are typically still watched over by their sires. Sabbat neonates have not yet earned the rights of a True Sabbat. See "fledgeling".
pack: a group of 3-10 vampires belonging to the Sabbat sect. Occassionally used to describe small groups of Anarch vampires. All members of a Sabbat pack undertake the Vaulderie ceremony, which establishes a Vinculum bond. Packs generally serve a specific purpose within their city of residence; all packs may be called upon to support a Sabbat Crusade.
Paths [of Enlightenment], a: one of over a dozen different ethical systems practiced by vampires. Many Clans follow their own specific Paths, such as the Assamites and the Path of Blood. See also "Road".
poseur, a: a member of the Toreador Clan who does not practice any of the arts (i.e., they pretend or "pose" instead of working). They often serve as critics and harpies in Camarilla cities, or as sadists within the Sabbat.
priest, a: a vampire who serves as the moral and spiritual guide to a Sabbat pack. They have power second only to the pack's ductus, and are responsible for conducting the auctoritas and ignoblis ritae of the pack.
primogen: a vampiric "senator"; the vampire who represents the political interests of their Clan in a city controlled by the Camarilla. The exact function of the primogen differs from city to city - in some, they rule the city in all but name; in others, they serve only at the whim of the prince.
prince: the ruler (at least in name) of a city controlled by the Camarilla sect. The term is neuter, used to describe both male and female rulers (though one exception to this is the self-styled "Queen" Anne Bowesley, prince of the city of London).
Priscus: plural prisci. An advisor to the Regent of the Sabbat. One of the members of the Consistory, or Council of Prisci. Prisci may occassionally take an additional office within the Sabbat, such as Sascha Vykos, Archbishop of Washington, D.C., or Cardinal Ambrosio Luis Moncada.
progenitor: archaic; 1) one of the legendary Antediluvians, or founders of the 13 vampire Clans; see also "Antediluvian". 2) a vampire's sire, grandsire, or eldest known member of their lineage.
regent, a: a leader of a Tremere chantry. Supposed to be the oldest and most powerful of the Tremere in the chantry. Subject to the authority of a Tremere "Lord".
Regent, the: the titular head of the Sabbat sect. The Regent is so called because they are "keeping the seat warm" for Caine, who, it is supposed, will some day return and claim his place as ruler of the Sabbat.
regnant: archaic; a vampire responsible for supplying blood to a ghoul. See domitor.
Road, a: one of five major or six minor systems of morality practiced by vampires up through the Renaissance. Most Roads have a distinctly more religious flavoring than any of the modern Paths. See also "Paths [of Enlightenment]". Many Roads also had "forks", which specialized in one or another aspects of the Road's morality. (Ex: the Road of the Beast was broken into the "Path of the Hunter", the "Path of the Nomad", and the "Path of the Savage".)
Sabbat, the: a sect of vampires opposed to the Camarilla; the Sabbat seeks to bring down the Antediluvians and overthrow the rule of elder vampires. The Sabbat rejects their humanity and seeks to subjugate the human species.
scion, a: archaic; 1) a vampire who follows the Road of Kings. 2) a lineage of vampires who are "sponsored" by an elder or separate lineage. 3) a member of a revenant bloodline whose ancestry deparated from the main family at some point in history. They still possess some revenant-like qualities (longer life, better health, etc), but do not possess any Disciplines.
sect, a: a very large group (in the hundreds, if not thousands) of vampire who share a similar philosophy. The four major sects are the Camarilla, the Sabbat, the Anarchs, and the Inconnu. Depending on the sect, they may be very organized (the Camarilla) or very chaotic (the Anarchs), though they are united by a common ideaology and loose set of rules that all members abide by, to a greater or lesser degree.
sire: a vampire who has created one or more "childer"; mostly used only in relation to their childer (ex: "Moncada is the sire of Lucita"), though occassionally used as a term of respect for any older vampire of the speaker's lineage. See also "childe".
Storyteller, the: the person who runs a Chronicle. They are the final arbiter when it comes to rules, character creation, and making sure the game runs smoothly. Occassionally they will also create and play a character.
szlachta: archaic; a personal servant or bodyguard of a Tzimisce vampire. The word itself has Slavic roots and means "gentry" or "landholder". The term has since been corrupted to refer to any fleshcrafted retainer of the Tzimisce.
"True" Sabbat: a member of the Sabbat who has survived the trials of combat and is acknowledged as a full member of the sect, with all the dangers and benefits that entails. True Sabbat are confirmed as a pack and put under the authority of a local bishop. They may take part in the auctoritas ritae and have a voice in war councils.
Vaulderie: a ceremony practiced by Sabbat vampires in which each member of a pack spills their blood into a common container; this container is then passed around the pack and each member drinks of the mingled blood. The result of the Vaulderie is to create a Vinculum bond among all pack members. See also "Vinculum" and "pack".
Vinculum/Vinculum Bond, the: a group-wide blood bond shared between members of the same Sabbat pack. The Vinculum bond is created by a blood-sharing ceremony known as the Vaulderie. See also "Vaulderie" and "pack".
vitae: archaic; Latin for "of life"; human and often vampire blood.
Voivode: a powerful leader in the Tzimisce Clan. The exact status of a voivode depends on the individual in question, but they typically wield great political power in the Clan, as well as practice Koldunic Sorcery and have mastered Vicissitude. Voivodes often adopt specific influence in political, military, or economic spheres.
witch-hunter, a: a mortal human who hunts down and destroys vampires and other supernatural creatures. Most commonly applied to members of the Society of Leopold, though it can be used to describe any such human. The title comes from the days of Salem and the religious persecution brought against "witches" and other people suspected of deviance.
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Sidst rettet af Admin 2012-06-29, 06:59, rettet 1 gang
Sv: transylvania chronicles thomas's info
endnu en lille besked om ting der forandres nu her.
næste spilgang overgår vi til v20, og dedikerer spilgangen til at læsesystemet igennem, og opdatere karakterer. dette betyder at alle meget gerne må medbringe et nyt skema, der passer til v20. (i har sikkert også godt af at skifte den gamle las af en side ud efterhånden.) det kommer til at betyde en hel masse forandringer i crunch og vi kommer til at diskutere det i fællesskab. ligeledes kan vi også diskutere det hvis der kommer nogle forandringer som i synes er virkeligt upassende for jeres karakterer. jeg er ikke umiodtagelig overfor ideer og fornuft (as if)
desuden kommer der til at ske en række af ting for jeres karakterer.
først: så har jeg snakket lidt med bastian, og er efter megen intern debat såvel som snak med bastian blevet enig med mig selv om at begrænse hver spiller til præcis ET merit og ET flaw, maks. i vil naturligvis få freebies og xp tilbage for merits som i ikke længere har. ligeledes vil flaws trække fra den store konto. dette gøres af hensyn til mit stakkels lille hoved som har meget svært ved at håndtere alle de hober af merits og flaws i kaster på jeres karakterer. undtagelsen er dog merits og flaws som i har erhvervet gennem spil.
2. jeg vil også godt bede jer om at tænke over en eller anden måde som jeres clan weakness kan eskaleres på da jeres karakterer nu er blevet 200 år gamle (plus en sjat) og det udover cool powaz også manifesterer sig som en forværring af cains forbandelse over jeres forbandede æt. jeg har naturligvis nogle ideer om hvordan det potentielt kan udmønte sig for jer, men det er meget bedre hvis i selv er med inde ovre processen. der vil også være nogle af jer der er undtaget fordi det effektivt allerede er sket for jer.
edit: bemærk at celerity stadig kommer til at koste et blood point per extra action (house rule) da den ellers vil være endnu mere overpowered end den i forvejen er.
næste spilgang overgår vi til v20, og dedikerer spilgangen til at læsesystemet igennem, og opdatere karakterer. dette betyder at alle meget gerne må medbringe et nyt skema, der passer til v20. (i har sikkert også godt af at skifte den gamle las af en side ud efterhånden.) det kommer til at betyde en hel masse forandringer i crunch og vi kommer til at diskutere det i fællesskab. ligeledes kan vi også diskutere det hvis der kommer nogle forandringer som i synes er virkeligt upassende for jeres karakterer. jeg er ikke umiodtagelig overfor ideer og fornuft (as if)
desuden kommer der til at ske en række af ting for jeres karakterer.
først: så har jeg snakket lidt med bastian, og er efter megen intern debat såvel som snak med bastian blevet enig med mig selv om at begrænse hver spiller til præcis ET merit og ET flaw, maks. i vil naturligvis få freebies og xp tilbage for merits som i ikke længere har. ligeledes vil flaws trække fra den store konto. dette gøres af hensyn til mit stakkels lille hoved som har meget svært ved at håndtere alle de hober af merits og flaws i kaster på jeres karakterer. undtagelsen er dog merits og flaws som i har erhvervet gennem spil.
2. jeg vil også godt bede jer om at tænke over en eller anden måde som jeres clan weakness kan eskaleres på da jeres karakterer nu er blevet 200 år gamle (plus en sjat) og det udover cool powaz også manifesterer sig som en forværring af cains forbandelse over jeres forbandede æt. jeg har naturligvis nogle ideer om hvordan det potentielt kan udmønte sig for jer, men det er meget bedre hvis i selv er med inde ovre processen. der vil også være nogle af jer der er undtaget fordi det effektivt allerede er sket for jer.
edit: bemærk at celerity stadig kommer til at koste et blood point per extra action (house rule) da den ellers vil være endnu mere overpowered end den i forvejen er.
The Glorius ST- ---> Storyteller <---
- Antal indlæg : 778
Join date : 27/11/09
Sv: transylvania chronicles thomas's info
jeg overvejer kraftigt at lave et persongalleri af de karakterer jeg har i spil. det vil primært foregå ved at jeg finder gamle portrætter på nettet, men også andre ting kommer til at indgå.
hvis det holder interesse vil jeg gerne lægge dem op i en dropbox mappe så i andre kan se dem.
hvis det holder interesse vil jeg gerne lægge dem op i en dropbox mappe så i andre kan se dem.
The Glorius ST- ---> Storyteller <---
- Antal indlæg : 778
Join date : 27/11/09
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Helt sikkert, det kunne være nice
Jeg kan anbefale følgende side til at finde billeder på, den er virkeligt nice til den slags ting. Ellers er der andre lignende sider at finde på og er selvfølgeligt også gode steder at starte
Jeg kan anbefale følgende side til at finde billeder på, den er virkeligt nice til den slags ting. Ellers er der andre lignende sider at finde på og er selvfølgeligt også gode steder at starte
Sv: transylvania chronicles thomas's info
ville være awesome, så kan de være de ikke længere skal hede "banan" og "pære", men mere noget i retningen af "ham med slipset" eller "hende den meget onde" !
Torason- Antal indlæg : 263
Join date : 28/12/11
Geografisk sted : I sin egen lille verden
Sv: transylvania chronicles thomas's info
Hehehe... Klart klart.
Mr. Tau- Staff super member designer V.I.P. crew moderator music man!
- Antal indlæg : 824
Join date : 08/01/10
Age : 35
Sv: transylvania chronicles thomas's info
also her er en liste med eksempler på konkretiseringer af Influence, Contacts, i nogen grad Status ( og Allies).
Influence Specialization Chart
This chart can be used to determine what part of society a character’s new Contact, Ally or Influence comes from. Some of these cross over
or reach into the same types of influence; this represents real life, giving different means to the same ends.
1 Aristocratic/Bureaucratic: You hold sway over, or have connections in, one of the ruling families in the area, or the less flashy (but farfrom impotent) bureaucracies of a country. Though the aristocratic form of government will not truly atrophy until after the French Revolution, the tide of bureaucratic leadership can be seen rising behind the monarchies of Europe. At this time, both types can provide roughly the same services or information (access to courts, protection of titles and lands), though through different routes.
2 Church: The Church’s influence, constantly in a tug-of-war with the secular governments of Europe, has slowly been eroding. However, it still holds a very important part in life and leadership. It can deflect the Inquisition, give considerable occult knowledge or provide a great deal of dirt on just about anybody. (People still confess, you know.)
3 Natural Resources: This power comes from your control of some crucial item. Ore, gold, water, salt... virtually anything that is in scarce supply somewhere. If this is gained as a Contact or Ally, then this acquaintance is not specifically linked to a resource, he simply knows who controls (or who wants) any type of natural resource.
4 Fashion: Your whims sway trends. If you pay artists to sculpt in Greco-Roman style, that’s the only style that can be found anywhere; if nothing but red silk graces your closet, anyone wearing anything else is ridiculed. Contacts and Allies in this area can inform you of anything from trends to parties. Additionally, this Influence may be used to make or break the social Influences of others.
5 Mercantile: Guilds, merchants and traders are under your close scrutiny. If needed, you can make sure a loan doesn’t go through, or that a crucial shipment arrives on someone’s doorstep in remarkable time. Allies and Contacts in this area are an invaluable source of information, as traders have been just about everywhere (and have dealt with just about everyone).
6 Military: A raised militia or levied force gives its alliance to you, or to someone you control. They will defend your estates and your person if necessary, and can often be used as a helpful weapon against rivals. Military Contacts and Allies give accurate estimates of army strength, plans and leaders, which can be invaluable in a continent so geared toward conflict.
7 Political: Your bed is home to all the right people. You may be a guild spokesman, a member of an important council, or you may have the ear of someone who is. Many lucrative favors are at your command. Contacts and Allies are invaluable in politics, as they know dirt on anyone who plays the game.
8 Reputation: Personal reputation gives you your influence. Your name is instantly identifiable as a pinnacle of some type: the respected sage, the well-known banker, or the caring bishop. Many people ask for your advice or opinion. A reputable Contact or Ally is also a well-respected person who can offer you such advice freely.
9 Academic: You are the patron of a university or college and correspond with noted scholars. Your grants or requests can destroy old knowledges, alter philosophies, or seek out answers to arcane questions. Academic Contacts and Allies can give you the latest thoughts and theories of scholars, or access to ancient texts.
Dette skal på ingen måde betragtes som en udtømmende eller begrænsende liste, men snarere som en kilde til inspiration, når i skal konkretisere jeres backgrounds.
Influence Specialization Chart
This chart can be used to determine what part of society a character’s new Contact, Ally or Influence comes from. Some of these cross over
or reach into the same types of influence; this represents real life, giving different means to the same ends.
1 Aristocratic/Bureaucratic: You hold sway over, or have connections in, one of the ruling families in the area, or the less flashy (but farfrom impotent) bureaucracies of a country. Though the aristocratic form of government will not truly atrophy until after the French Revolution, the tide of bureaucratic leadership can be seen rising behind the monarchies of Europe. At this time, both types can provide roughly the same services or information (access to courts, protection of titles and lands), though through different routes.
2 Church: The Church’s influence, constantly in a tug-of-war with the secular governments of Europe, has slowly been eroding. However, it still holds a very important part in life and leadership. It can deflect the Inquisition, give considerable occult knowledge or provide a great deal of dirt on just about anybody. (People still confess, you know.)
3 Natural Resources: This power comes from your control of some crucial item. Ore, gold, water, salt... virtually anything that is in scarce supply somewhere. If this is gained as a Contact or Ally, then this acquaintance is not specifically linked to a resource, he simply knows who controls (or who wants) any type of natural resource.
4 Fashion: Your whims sway trends. If you pay artists to sculpt in Greco-Roman style, that’s the only style that can be found anywhere; if nothing but red silk graces your closet, anyone wearing anything else is ridiculed. Contacts and Allies in this area can inform you of anything from trends to parties. Additionally, this Influence may be used to make or break the social Influences of others.
5 Mercantile: Guilds, merchants and traders are under your close scrutiny. If needed, you can make sure a loan doesn’t go through, or that a crucial shipment arrives on someone’s doorstep in remarkable time. Allies and Contacts in this area are an invaluable source of information, as traders have been just about everywhere (and have dealt with just about everyone).
6 Military: A raised militia or levied force gives its alliance to you, or to someone you control. They will defend your estates and your person if necessary, and can often be used as a helpful weapon against rivals. Military Contacts and Allies give accurate estimates of army strength, plans and leaders, which can be invaluable in a continent so geared toward conflict.
7 Political: Your bed is home to all the right people. You may be a guild spokesman, a member of an important council, or you may have the ear of someone who is. Many lucrative favors are at your command. Contacts and Allies are invaluable in politics, as they know dirt on anyone who plays the game.
8 Reputation: Personal reputation gives you your influence. Your name is instantly identifiable as a pinnacle of some type: the respected sage, the well-known banker, or the caring bishop. Many people ask for your advice or opinion. A reputable Contact or Ally is also a well-respected person who can offer you such advice freely.
9 Academic: You are the patron of a university or college and correspond with noted scholars. Your grants or requests can destroy old knowledges, alter philosophies, or seek out answers to arcane questions. Academic Contacts and Allies can give you the latest thoughts and theories of scholars, or access to ancient texts.
Dette skal på ingen måde betragtes som en udtømmende eller begrænsende liste, men snarere som en kilde til inspiration, når i skal konkretisere jeres backgrounds.
The Glorius ST- ---> Storyteller <---
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Join date : 27/11/09
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